"Matinee" (Kannada) at Victory Cinema Overview and Story: "Matinee" is a gripping Kannada drama thriller directed by Manohar Kaampalli, set against a backdrop of urban intrigue and mysterious circumstances. The story revolves around Arun, played by Nagabhushana, who owns a property in Bangalore where he plans a reunion with his friends. However, what starts as a joyful gathering soon turns into a chilling ordeal as Arun and his friends find themselves trapped in the house under eerie circumstances. Cast and Crew: The film stars Sathish Neenasam, Shivraj K R Pete, and Aditi Prabhudeva, alongside Nagabhushana. Each actor brings depth to their roles, enhancing the film's suspenseful atmosphere. "Matinee" showcases the debut directorial effort of Manohar Kaampalli, promising a fresh and engaging cinematic experience with his innovative storytelling and direction. Why Watch at Victory Cinema? Victory Cinema provides the perfect setting to experience "Matinee," with its state-of-the-art sound and visual equipment that promises to amplify the film’s thrilling elements. The cinema's immersive environment will make viewers feel as though they are part of the suspense that unfolds on screen, making every twist and turn more intense and engaging.